An exchange between bilingual students in Los Angeles and Beasain

What does it mean to be bilingual (or multilingual)? What does it mean to be “bicultural”? Do the two concepts necessarily coincide? What are “language,” “culture,” “race,” “ethnicity” and “nationality”? What is their political significance as well as their importance in our daily lives? How do these concepts sometimes conflict and sometimes overlap?

This project explores these ideas by connecting high school students who live 6,000 miles apart, in the South Central neighborhood of Los Angeles, California and in Beasain, a small town in the Basque Country of northern Spain. Students will gain a deeper understanding about their own concepts of identity, learn about other cultures, and improve their English writing abilities.

Two groups of 40 students are participating, who are in their final year of secondary school (12th graders at Thomas Jefferson High School in Los Angeles; 2nd year bachillerato students at the Txindoki branch of BIP (Beasain Institutua Publika) in Beasain. Each student is partnered with a student in the other country. They will write emails to each other over the course of a month. Students will also create projects to educate each other their respective cultures, histories and politics.

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Educational System of the Basque Country

By Aitor V, Ana B, and Nahia

Pre-School (Educación infantil). From ages 2-5. During this time children learn to read and write. Most often, they attend the same school as the primary school students.

Primary (Educación primaria) From ages 6-12.  We call these schools “colegio” in Spanish and “ikaskola” in Basque. When they are in primary, children start learning different subjects such as maths, natural sciences, and different languages (we have most of our subjects in Basque at this level, but have one hour a day of Spanish language arts and a couple hours a week of English).

Secondary (Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) in Spanish;  “DBH” in Basque). From ages 12-16. We call these schools “instituto” in Spanish and “institutua” in Basque. We have four years of required secondary school. We don’t call them 7th to 10th grades like you do in the U.S., we say “primero de secundario,” “segundo de secundario” We continue developing the subjects, and in the last year, we have to start choosing some subjects of the modality we most like: sciences, humanities or arts. You must stay in school until age 16.

From here, you can decide to carry on studying, and so you will do the bachillerato (2 years of non-obligatory secondary education), or if you prefer to start training yourself to work immediately and study specifically for this work, you will do a mid-level work formation.

Work formation (high-level). Once you do the mid-level work formation, you can put yourself in the work world, and start working, or you can improve your practice in a high-level work formation. Once you finish this, and if you want to study a career, you make an entrance exam to college; or if you prefer, you can start in the work world.

Bachillerato From ages 16-18. This is a two year diploma in which you work in your modality (your specialty). All students are required to take all three languages (English, Spanish and Basque) both first and second year, as well as philosophy and history. Depending on your options you can work three different modalities: science (here you can chose technologic science or biomedical science), humanities (among which there are social humanities and pure humanities) and arts. When you finish, you get a degree that allows you to go to college, after passing an exam called “Selectividad” (see the separate blog entry about that) which lasts three days.

University. After the selectivity exam, depending on the mark you score, you can enter here or not, but most people do. This is because our government is interested in people having studies and encourages them to do so, so people don’t leave studies almost ever, according to statistics, less than the 7%. Almost all the degrees last 4 years, except for medicine (6 years), architecture (5 years)… After doing the degree you can start working. But it is also an option to continue studying to complement your studies by taking a master degree and after that a doctorate.

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